<< WIN Happy Chef 3 Collector's Edition
Happy Chef 3 Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 6 years, 6 months
Size 264.12 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender snaterke (kNEX2Q)
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Post Description

Do you consider yourself a connoisseur of Mexican cuisine? Finish cooking classes and get experience in a local cafe or pizzeria. Learn from experienced chefs, and soon you can create the most refined and original recipes. In addition, you will learn how to build a successful business!

Are you fascinated by cooking? Combine your skills with something on a skillet and something in the oven!

To begin with, start small. Work in a cafe, learn how to make the best sandwiches, omelets, donuts, coffee in the city ... Be prepared for the setbacks: omelettes can burn, and coffee is not so quickly made. But over time, you can cook two dishes at the same time and still have time to serve customers. Earn money, improve the interior, diversify the menu. This is an excellent move to attract new customers!
you are a twatt!!
Remember that the speed of service and the quality of the dishes affect your tips. Therefore, keep an eye on the mood in the hall and try to find an approach to each visitor. Work quickly your coffee is getting cold!

Different difficulty levels
Magnificent wallpaper for your desktop
Various locations

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