<< FLAC Karine Polwart & Dave Milligan - 2021 - Still as Your Sleeping
Karine Polwart & Dave Milligan - 2021 - Still as Your Sleeping
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 6 months
Size 202.02 MB
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Sophia, zeer bedankt voor de tip. 

Dit is Schotse folk zoals het hoort te zijn. Adembenemend, een vondst van de eerste orde. Geen feestmuziek, maar bedachtzaam en vol bezinning. Hier zal nog lang naar geluisterd worden in huize Mac.

Karine Polwart and pianist Dave Milligan’s Still As Your Sleeping, in a non-literal biblical sense, is metaphorically, as pure as the Euphrates River on the third day of creation. This is Scottish folk song crystal-clear river euphoria.

It’s a lovely collection of traditional songs, as well as tunes by Karine and other writers. ‘Craigie Hill’ sets the tone for the album. The tune drips with farewell tears. Karine’s voice touches The Heart of Midlothian. And DM’s piano sings with the ghostly drama of an abandoned croft. This music sort of stops time. Then, ‘Heaven’s Hounds’ is breathless beauty – with an almost gospel purity. And ‘The Path That Winds Before Us’ is the stuff of spiritual contemplation, as it expands wisdom into the quiet understanding that “one breath and then another is all we need”. It’s piano voiced profundity.

01 - Craigie Hill
02 - Heaven's Hound
03 - The Path That Winds Before Us
04 - The Parting Glass
05 - The Old Men of the Shells
06 - The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood
07 - Siccar Point
08 - Talk to Me of Mendocino
09 - Travel These Ways
10 - Ae Fond Kiss

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