<< WIN Plan B from Outer Space - A Bavarian Odyssey
Plan B from Outer Space - A Bavarian Odyssey
Category Games
Date 2 years, 6 months
Size 283.2 MB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (VBa0XQ)
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 2

Post Description

Game Description: ..We were just flying through space, minding our own alien-business, when – bang! – a meteor hit us right in the quoxel-bladder! Looks like we crash-landed on this strange world. So, chop chop! Use your shapeshifting powers, disguise the ship, and find a way to escape this wretched planet post-haste!..

Features: ..A Tribute: To classic scifi and Bavarian culture, Plan B from Outer Space is a story-focused adventure with dozens of beautifully illustrated backgrounds and animated characters..Alps vs. Aliens: Design your very own alien with a unique background story and get ready to turn the small Bavarian town of “Unter-Hinterobersbach” upside down..Choices Matter: Every decision you make has a lasting effect on the story. Will you be a kind-hearted intergalactic traveller, a cruel conqueror … or something entirely different?.Next-level: Put your Alien-brains to the test with a selection of fun mini-games and equip items that will affect the story and your choice-options..Platin-Alien: Fill the trophy-room in your spaceship by unlocking 19 different endings and discover hilarious easter eggs throughout your journey.

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 7/8/10
<<>> Processor: Intel Core 2.0 GHz
<<>> Memory: 2 GB RAM
<<>> DirectX: 9.0c
<<>> Languages: Multi-2..Change language in game options..

Genre: Puzzle/Adventure


Veel plezier met het nieuw spel!..bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..Updated to v1.0.1

>>..WW = 404

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