<< FLAC Anos Starker - Schumann, Lalo, Saint-Saens - Cello Concerti
Anos Starker - Schumann, Lalo, Saint-Saens - Cello Concerti
Category Sound
Date 5 years, 1 month
Size 3.28 GB
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Janos Starker - Cello concerti

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Janos Starker recorded the Schumann Concerto more than once: this performance, from the 1960s, was the second, and, of those I have heard, I think the best - in fact, I'd say it's about the best performance of the concerto I've heard altogether. Starker is never tempted to romanticize the music as some cellists are, and as a result it emerges stronger and can be appreciated for the masterwork it is. Stanislaw Skrowaczewski and the London Symphony Orchestra provide a similarly taut orchstral performance. Starker has composed a cadenza which comes just before the last movement - or should I say section as all three run together.

This performance has previously been issued on Philips coupled with the Dvorak concerto but this new issue has added attraction of being a hybrid SACD for those who can take advantage of it.

For the Schumann Concerto, this is an essential disc.

Neither of the other works is on the level of the Schumann, but they are also very well performed, and the Saint-Saens in particular is very enjoyable.

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