<< MP3 Tremonti - Discography, (6 Releases), - 2012-2018, MP3, (Alternative Metal / Hard Rock / Post-Grunge)
Tremonti - Discography, (6 Releases), - 2012-2018, MP3, (Alternative Metal / Hard Rock / Post-Grunge)
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 3 months
Size 586.06 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender PFM2018 (bboS0w)
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Post Description

Mark Tremonti is an American musician, known as the guitarist for Creed and Alter Bridge, while being one of the founders of both groups. 
Since joining Creed, Tremonti has become widely known for his songwriting and technical skills and has been awarded several awards, including Grammy for the single "With Arms Wide Open." For three consecutive years, Guitar World magazine chose it as "Guitarist of the year." In 2011, Total Guitar included him in the list of the greatest heavy metal guitarists.

Genre : Alternative Metal / Hard Rock / Post-Grunge
Country of the artist (group) : United States (Orlando, Florida)
Year : 2012-2018
Audio codec : MP3 Rip
type : tracks
Bitrate audio : 256-320 kbps
Duration : 6 cd

2012 - All I Was
2013 - All That I Got (Single)
2014 - Gone (Single)
2015 - Cauterize (Limited Edition)
2016 - Dust
2018 - A Dying Machine

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