<< FLAC Trail West - 2021 - Countless Isles and Endless Miles
Trail West - 2021 - Countless Isles and Endless Miles
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 350.15 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

Just after the End of Year ‘Best Of’ lists have been published along comes a release that would certainly have featured in many had timings been more congruous.  Excellent as their previous album, From The Sea To The City, was, the release of Countless Isles And Endless Miles, Trail West’s fourth studio album, marks a significant milestone in the band’s history and represents a bold affirmation of their right to be considered up there with the very best in the genre.

Although 2008 saw the band’s formation, in Tiree, with Ian Smith, Andrew Findlater and various other local musicians, it was in 2010 that the pair, along with Alain Campbell and Seonaidh MacIntyre, settled and made a commitment as a four-piece. Following the release of debut CD One That Got Away and winning the Scottish Dance Band of the Year Award in 2013, and a second album Rescattermastered in 2016, 2017 saw the group’s line-up augmented by the addition of Allan J. Nairn and Jonathan Gillespie in time for the release, in 2018, of the aforementioned From The Sea To The City.

02 Air An Traigh
03 Day of My Return
04 2-4 Marches
05 Wait 'Til I Tell Ucca
06 The Galway Shawl
07 Another Scatter!
08 Come Rain or Come Shine
09 Mouse in the Ciiidsin
10 Tonight
11 An Tèid Thu Leam A Mhàiri
12 Countless Isles and Endless Miles

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