<< FLAC Ninebarrow - 2021 - A Pocket Full of Acorns
Ninebarrow - 2021 - A Pocket Full of Acorns
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 3 months
Size 268.97 MB
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Heerlijke, ingetogen singer-songwriter / folk uit Engeland. Over de titel een leuk verhaaltje verderop.

Dorset duo Ninebarrow delight once again with their fourth full-length album, a classy collection that plays to their strengths: heartfelt original songs, traditional folk and fine covers. And, of course, their ‘to-die-for’ harmonies that soar them among the top flight of contemporary British folk acts.

And to consolidate this success, they have released possibly their strongest, definitely their most ambitious album to date

The standout band lineup track, Cry Unity, comes three-quarters of the way in. It’s a rollicking stomp, a call to arms based on a William Barnes poem, but adapted for our troubled current times. It certainly has more grit than much of Ninebarrow’s earlier material and presents a welcome new direction. Something to look forward to when the band tour finally happens…

But there is also much to enjoy from the classic Ninebarrow approach: tasteful and evocative musical arrangements topped off with gorgeous harmonies. A standout for me was Nestledown, it’s a song about the turning of the seasons, inspired by the life of the Dartford Warbler. James takes lead vocals and it’s an opportunity for him to shine, backed by Jon’s evocative mandola plucking and vocals.

The title track is a beautiful song both in its construction and intent. It was inspired by the story of Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood (Lord Nelson’s right-hand man in the Napoleonic wars) who lamented the loss of oak trees cut down to build the British fleet. So Collingwood took to carrying acorns with him in his pocket to plant and replenish the stock.

But it’s not just a song of historical interest, the story challenged the duo to consider how they could offset their touring carbon footprint. And alongside creating the song, Jon and James are planting (even as I write this review) a three-acre field of saplings in Dorset, including 500 oaks alongside hundreds of other native trees.

The Ninebarrow Woodland tells you everything you need to know about these remarkable human beings. They really do go the extra acres in everything they do. Ninebarrow are a class act, they treat their fans like their friends, and richly deserve the love and affection they receive in response. This is an album that expresses the passion that they have for life and the care they exude for the natural world. From small acorns, they have grown into mighty oaks.

1. Come January
2. Nestledown
3. Under the Fence
4. Zunshine in the Winter
5. Hey John Barleycorn
6. A Pocket Full of Acorns
7. Cry Unity
8. Teignmouth
9. You Who Wander
10. Farewell Shanty
11. Sailors All

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster. Laat af en toe eens weten wat je van het album vindt. Altijd leuk, de mening van anderen.


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