<< FLAC Tchaikovsky - Symphony 3 - BPO, Karajan
Tchaikovsky - Symphony 3 - BPO, Karajan
Category Sound
Date 5 years, 8 months
Size 1.58 GB
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Tchaikovsky - Symphony 3 - BPO, Karajan

This is a technically-proficient but somewhat unengaged version of Tchaikovsky’s 3rd Symphony, done by Herbert von Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic. The Berlin Philharmonic will always play with tight ensemble, with very accurate passagework and with note-perfect execution. This is the case here. But the lack of attention to the nuances and detail is apparent from the very beginning, the opening Allegro’s slow Introduction, where the short phrases presented first in the violins and then the horns and woodwinds are run through in a perfunctory manner. For me, the 3rd symphony is notable for its three beautiful and memorable inner movements, the Alla tedesca with its walking melody, the sad Andante elegiaco and the contrasting Scherzo. Karajan and the Berliners play the Alla tedesca well enough but do the Andante elegiaco with little flair, and little interest. The performance does have better moments – I think the climax in the coda of the opening Allegro is handled well – but much of it is bland.

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