<< FLAC Garrett Pierce - 2021 - Eyes Wide in the Fire
Garrett Pierce - 2021 - Eyes Wide in the Fire
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 7 months
Size 228.85 MB
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Post Description

San Francisco based singer-songwriter Garret Pierce returns with Eyes Wide in the Fire, a contemplative, introspective record rich in some pertinent, yet subtle, political messages. The ten tracks that make up the album flirt with grand universal themes, but Pierce’s fifteen-year song-writing career ensures they are always delivered with a subtle, thoughtful, sensitivity.

Featuring Max Hart on strings, and Eric Gardner on drums, with some additional work by Timothy James Wright, the album was recorded in LA and there is a clear West Coastecho throughout the recording.

‘Only in LA’ with its country inspired guitar and lament on the materiality of popular culture, sets the album’s reflective scene. ‘Only in this place would choirs ring from all the air conditioning / Humming like cicadas or the beasts that used to roam these very streets’, sings Pierce, and it’s in the poetry of his lyrics that his talent lies. There is a deepness to the album’s themes and thoughts but they are always delivered with a soft and tender touch, quietly drawing you into the record’s passionate heart.

01 – Only In L.A.
02 – Calling To Me
03 – You Made Me
04 – Harmony Insane
05 – A World On Fire
06 – Tea With Demons
07 – Outrun
08 – Vampire For A Night
09 – One Look In The Mirror
10 – I.V.

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