<< WIN RugTales Collector's Edition
RugTales Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 5 years, 10 months
Size 265.92 MB
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Post Description

You think you know what's going on at your home when you're not paying attention? Let this Click-Management mission prove you otherwise and find out what's really happening in your fluffy rugs! The two carpet heroes Woolly Yarrows and Curlytop Knotweed are facing quite a challenge: A whirlwind wiped away their tiny village and carried the pretty Bearberry right into the far-away garden! Now, our miniature heroes must embark on a break-neck journey to reach the Big Green - including all dangers, creatures, and adventures on their way...

Game Features:
• 50 innovative Click-Management levels
• A hilarious story and funny characters
• Brand-new tools for an exciting gameplay

Exclusive Collector's Edition Extras:
• 10 awesome bonus levels
• Colourful wallpapers showing your favourite carpet heroes
• A detailed walkthrough for tricky parts

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