<< FLAC Nóirin Lynch - 2020 - In Her Own Time
Nóirin Lynch - 2020 - In Her Own Time
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 4 months
Size 191.53 MB
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Post Description

De Ierse Nóirin Lynch maakt Ierse folk pur sang. Ze valt soms terug op traditionals, maar op dit, haar tweede album, staan vijf eigen nummers. De klassieke thema’s passeren: heimwee haar thuis, liefde, verlies, the usual suspects. En toch is het een wonderschoon plaatje dat ze schildert. Een classic die vaak gespeeld gaat worden.

Zelf schreef ze over dit album:

“I was delighted to have worked and sung with some fantastic musicians in north Clare who have always been great encouragers of us all - Jono, Adam, Dermot, Eoin, Clara and Martin are all musical cheerleaders who give wings to many wondering if they should or could...

I want to dedicate this album to those who made up the Kilshanny Singing Circle over the past years. On our covid-hiatus, we have all realised how blessed we have been to meet monthly on the road between Ennistymon and Lisdoonvarna; creating a circle of songs that wound a unique magic round all our hearts. Thanks to Mary and Aidan who welcomed us, to locals who were patient with us, and to all who travelled cross country and from abroad to be there. Go mbeirimid beo 's le cheile aris (May we be well and together again soon).

But sometimes when I hear a reel whispering across the breeze,
Oh my heart falls down like a mountain side in summer time.
Tumbling into the sea.”

Track Listing:
1. Follow the Heron Home
2. Selkie
3. Bell, Book and Candle
4. Tumbling into the Sea
5. Harbour
6. Carry Me Away
7. Baking Bread
8. Seoithín Seó
9. Good People
10. The Road to Drumleman

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster.

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