<< FLAC Staran - 2021 - Staran
Staran - 2021 - Staran
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 257.16 MB
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Topmuzikanten uit de Schotse folkscene hebben zich verenigd in Staran. Mooier wordt het echt niet.

s the pieces of our lives come back into some sort of post-Covid order, it’s often the pieces that didn’t exist in the pre-Covid world that catch our attention. And some of those turn out to be special indeed, Staran is such a gem. Staran is both an album and the name adopted by a new collective formed by five of the most exciting young talents on the Glasgow folk scene, and, in Scots Gaelic, it means path, trail or stepping stones.

The credit for bringing the collective together belongs to pianist and drummer, John Lowrie. He’d worked individually with the other four and recognised the potential inherent in such a diverse collection of styles and backgrounds. John’s own experience is wider than most, as he writes on his web pages, he’s “equally at home playing intricate contemporary jazz on the drums as accompanying Gaelic song on the piano”. It was the second of those that brought him into contact with Kim Carnie and she, in turn, brings her vocal talents, in both Gaelic and English, to Staran. The remaining members are Innes White, whose range of experience rivals John’s. Innes brings in acoustic guitar, electric guitar and mandolin. Breabach’s James Lindsay is on double bass and Rura’s Jack Smedley on fiddle. Also from Breabach, Megan Henderson adds harmonies to a couple of Kim’s songs. With that range of prior experience, you’d expect strong traditional roots to Staran’s music and you might anticipate some jazz influences from both John and James. But in reality, we get rather more, Staran truly is more than the sum of its parts.

01 Dà Làimh sa Phìob
02 Back to Glasgow
03 Horò gun Togainn air Hùgan Fhathast Thu
04 Einbeck
05 Casino
06 Little Waves
07 Gaol a' Chruidh
08 Balcarres
09 Settle Honey

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