<< FLAC Michael Feuerstack - 2021 - Harmonize the Moon
Michael Feuerstack - 2021 - Harmonize the Moon
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 184.19 MB
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Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

“I used to be a singer bumpin’ around the astral plane, pickin’ up astral trash to polish it up again.”  On Harmonize the Moon, Michael Feuerstack’s fifth full-length record under his own moniker, we find the Montreal singer-songwriter doing just as projected on the opening track, I Used to be a Singer.  From unknown amounts of jettisons to near-space, Feuerstack eddies back with pieces of “astral trash” and assembles them into this ten-song intimate effort.  Collecting confessions with a Michael Stipe-like sense of earnestness, he reminds us that “Don’t you know there’s a world out there…” 

The “astral trash” that is gathered here is certainly honed and crafted, but not as polished as projected in song. This is an apartment record made with sparse, heart-inhaling closeness. And perhaps it is made in response to, well, spending a lot of time in our apartments this past year. On Call of the Tired, the second single released, Feuerstack invites us in the late-night door as a sleepy pied-piper. He ushers us sluggish dreamers forward with:

“I wanted to follow the sound. The call of the weary, the song of the tired, an ode to the weak and uninspired. and the birds belittle your song. They don’t care if the earthquakes rage, they hover in flight printed right off the page”

1. I Used to Be a Singer (2:57)
2. Too Kind (3:02)
3. Call of the Tired (3:19)
4. Time to Burn (3:36)
5. Harmonize the Moon (3:24)
6. In the Waiting Room (3:28)
7. Valley (2:58)
8. You Can Relax (3:15)
9. Bathed in Light (3:22)
10. Why Don't You Stay? (2:55)

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster.


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