<< FLAC Brian Finnegan - 2021 - Hunger of the Skin
Brian Finnegan - 2021 - Hunger of the Skin
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 356.03 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

OUT of the darkness comes the light. It is a fitting phrase as the world awaits the re-emergence of what we all took for granted as 'normality'.

It is also true of flute player and composer Brian Finnegan who spent many wee small hours at home outside Armagh creating what is a quite stunning album, Hunger of the Skin.
Despite the enforced solitude of living in a global pandemic, Brian has called upon a camaraderie of isolation, musicians from all over the world who have, through the wonders of technology, connected with Brian’s spirit and creativity to make an album that is at times beautiful without being self-pitying, energetic in the face of apathy, and hopeful despite the hard times we are living in.

Complimenting the music are poems from writers such as Gearóid Mac Lochlainn (in Irish), American poet Mary Oliver who died in 2019, Colum Sands and Russian Boris Grebenshikov.

01 Dust - An Damhsa Dubh
02 Fathom
03 Crossing Rubicon - Ollin
04 Chase the Shouting Wind
05 Flow in the Year of Wu Wei
06 Two Trees - Tony
07 Trigger's Lament - Jig for Amélie Red Planet Blues
08 Equator Light
09 Dare

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