<< FLAC Kari Ikonen - Ikonostasis (2017)
Kari Ikonen - Ikonostasis (2017)
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 2 weeks
Size 212.27 MB
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Post Description

For Ikonostasis, Finnish jazz sensation Kari Ikonen has invited his favourite musicians 
to play compositions that are both experimental and yet strikingly beautiful. The first
studio album of this deeply personal project compiles ten of these tracks into an
innovative and beguiling work - managing to sound both strangely familiar and yet
like nothing you've ever heard. Especially in the duets with Louis Sclavis on
(bass-)clarinet, the electronic elements create courageous utopian sound worlds
somewhere between the aesthetics of p-funk and the avantgarde. But even in the
acoustic pieces, including epic fifteen-minute journey Trinity, what at first appear
to be recognisable harmonies, delicate trumpet melodies and dreamy piano chords
are gradually sucked under by slowly turning, sinister currents underneath the
surface. Already with his previous releases Ikonen has not just established himself
as one of the leader's of the Finnish scene, but contributed to putting Finland as a
whole firmly on the European jazz map. With Ikonostasis, he is now taking an even
bigger leap. This is music without any musical barriers or self-imposed restrictions,
driven by nothing but the pure pleasure of performance, regardless of the outcome.

Zoals in een eerdere post toegezegd, mocht ik het
album alsnog in Flac hebben gevonden, dan zou ik
het posten. Bij deze.
Natuurlijk kwam het precies binnen, nádat ik het
album als mp3 erop had gezet.....

foobar2000 1.3.16 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2018-09-10 14:15:28
Analyzed: Kari Ikonen / Ikonostasis
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR9 -0.68 dB -12.28 dB 0:39 01-Toccatina
DR7 -2.09 dB -11.07 dB 2:07 02-Sinephony
DR9 -1.10 dB -13.97 dB 3:44 03-Prophètes
DR11 -0.51 dB -15.98 dB 5:43 04-Biangular
DR10 -0.67 dB -13.44 dB 4:27 05-Sacrement
DR11 -0.49 dB -15.80 dB 14:35 06-Trinity
DR10 -1.20 dB -13.61 dB 3:38 07-Porte De L'est
DR10 -0.66 dB -13.06 dB 1:31 08-Catubada De Teheran
DR9 -1.43 dB -13.97 dB 3:30 09-Cappella Nella Luna
Number of tracks: 9
Official DR value: DR9
Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 529 kbps
Codec: FLAC

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