<< FLAC Eamon O’Leary – Drie albums.
Eamon O’Leary – Drie albums.
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 4 months
Size 746.91 MB
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Post Description

Eamon O’Leary is a songwriter from New York’s Lower East Side, originally from Dublin, Ireland. ‘All Souls’ his first album for Reveal Records was entirely self-written, and recorded with Jefferson Hamer (Anais Mitchell), and Benjamin Lazar Davis (Cuddle Magic, Joan As Police Woman, Okkervill River). A beautiful, sparse album of darkness and light. 
Eamon returns with new music “Sister In Song” produced by Benjamin Lazar Davis in August 2020. The lead single from his second album for Reveal, due in 2021.

“Eamon O’Leary’s songs, no matter how familiar I am with them, make me well up each time I hear them. This is not because they are sad or tragic or miserable but because they so perfectly capture the moments that are not usually noticed, the moments that make life precious and worth it. He sings with a gentle modest knowing that everything is like it is because it is that way. He doesn’t sound like Leonard Cohen but I feel the same when I listen. What he does is timeless and classic; some of the best music I’ve heard in a long time.”

2012 - The Murphy Beds (with Jefferson Hamer)
2018 - All Souls
2021 - The Silver Sun

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