<< FLAC Zora Young - 2000 - Learned My lesson
Zora Young - 2000 - Learned My lesson
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 6 months
Size 463.78 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

Artist...............: Zora Young
Album................: Learned My lesson
Genre................: Blues
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2000
Ripper...............: See Log
Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 64 %)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 HZ / 16 Bit
Tags.................: Flac

Ripped On............: 10/29/17
Included.............: NFO, LOG, PAR v2, CUE
Covers...............: Front Back CD


1. Zora Young - Pity Party [04:54]
2. Zora Young - The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves [06:02]
3. Zora Young - Nutbush City Limits [03:54]
4. Zora Young - Better Off With the Blues [06:18]
5. Zora Young - Girl friend [03:12]
6. Zora Young - Blues Fallin' Down like Rain [05:07]
7. Zora Young - My Man's an Undertaker [04:10]
8. Zora Young - Damn Your Eyes [04:36]
9. Zora Young - Learned My Lesson [05:21]
10. Zora Young - Brain Damage [05:22]
11. Zora Young - Livin' in the USA [03:41]
12. Zora Young - Please Send me Someone to Love [05:41]
13. Zora Young - Feel Like Stroking [05:03]
14. Zora Young - Johnny B [05:03]

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