<< WIN Railway Empire - Japan
Railway Empire - Japan
Category Games
Date 2 years, 10 months
Size 14.88 GB
Spotted with Spotnet 1.8.5
Website SexBook
Sender Hoodlum (VBa0XQ)
Searchengine Search
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Post Description

Game Description: ..Railway Empire heads to ‘Northern Europe’ with its DLC. Aid the Swedish Parliament and construct a national railroad to continue the country’s far-reaching industrial advancements along the lakes and sprawling rivers that were first used by freight ships to provide goods and supplies to Northern Europe’s people..

New scenario: ..Hibernation (1853-1870)..Map expansion: ‘Northern Europe’ (available in Free Game and Sandbox modes)..3 historical engines: Odin (2-2-2), Prins August (2-4-0) and SJB II (4-6-0)..10 new tradeable goods (e.g. crisp bread and brown cheese) and 30 new cities..‘Concession’ feature: The map is divided into sections. Buy concessions to gain access to new building grounds (Also available on the full North American map)..Snow: Enhanced weather system for all northern regions in the game..New regional soundtrack..

All DLC: Japan..Down Under..Northern Europa..Germany..France..Great Britain & Ireland..Crossing the Andes..The Great Lakes..Mexico..Pre-Purchase DLC..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 7(SP1)/8/10 x64 ONLY!
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i5/750/2.6 GHz
<<>> Memory: 4 GB RAM
<<>> Graphics: nVidia GTX460/2 GB VRAM/Shader 5.0
<<>> DirectX: 11/12
<<>> Languages: Multi-10

Genre: Simulator/Strategie


Veel plezier met de new updated game!..bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..NOTES: This release is standalone..

>>..Updated to v1.14.1.27369..

>>..WW = 404

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