Post Description
Michał Wojtas - Born 23rd of December 1977 (Kielce, Poland)
He began to play as a child. He played only piano. That time his musical abilities and creativity appeared. He found his inspirations in the music of J. M. Jarre.
With the end of primary school he started to play classic guitar. Later on he learned some techniques of playing on ethnic percussion instruments and so on. He was studying music mainly by his own, moreover he attended secondary musical school and also other institutions connected with music.
In the meantime he was creating
ldfield. This occurance changed the direction of his artistic development. As he was fascinted with Oldfield's music, he tried to imitate his way of playing electric guitar. Pink Floyd also influenced him. Then he met Bartosz Jackowski, a person with similar inspirations, guitarist. In consequence they started to cooperate for next few years. Michał and Bartosz composed separately, but after they put it together,and that is how their music was created. Michał did also an arrangement.
Neo Way
The Storm
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