<< x264HD The Roads Not Taken 2020 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO
The Roads Not Taken 2020 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO
Category Image
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 3.36 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

One Man's Journey Into His Mind - The film follows 24 hours in the life of father and daughter Leo and Molly as she grapples with the challenges of dealing with her father’s chaotic mental state. But as they weave their way around New York City, their ordinary but stressful day takes on a hallucinatory and epic quality, for Leo is seamlessly flowing in and out of several parallel lives; a passionate marriage with his childhood sweetheart Dolores in Mexico and a life of solitude on a remote Greek island, where a chance encounter with two young tourists unmasks the uncomfortable truths of a family life left behind... 

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-- Engelse of Nederlandse ondertiteling downloaden –

Er zijn meerdere opties, om deze ondertiteling zelf toe te voegen aan je serie of film.

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--Mijn Spots--
Ik maak gebruik van id CX3x2g. De rest is fake!

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