<< x264HD Udemy - History of the Middle East - 600 A.D. to Today
Udemy - History of the Middle East - 600 A.D. to Today
Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (available)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 2 years, 6 months
Size 439.74 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender TarkusTWS (zBjc6A)
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Post Description

Become highly informed on the past and present of the Middle East in minutes a day with this introductory history course.

Know as much about Middle East history as a history major

Learn in a fraction of the time and money

Understand the intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Sound highly knowledgeable about world affairs to your friends and associates.

Learn history through highly entertaining videos and audio lectures

To most Westerners the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appear utterly bewildering. Palestinians want to bomb Israelis that force them at gunpoint to live in restricted parts of the country. Arab leaders are furious about this situation and want Israelis “wiped off the map” and their land given back to Palestinians, even though the real estate of the Holy Land looks something like rural Utah. And nearly all the world’s leaders see fit to chime in on this dispute over the two tiny lands.

To untangle the modern Middle East conflict and the 2,000 years behind it, this course is divided into 25 concise lectures. Each one is devoted to a major theme in Middle East history, such as the beginning of Islam, the Crusades, Genghis Khan, and the beginning of Israel in 1948. Each lecture is 10-20 minutes, giving you a fast overview of the issues to understand how they connect Middle East current events.


"The instructor clearly demonstrates the relevance of the topic to ongoing conflicts and issues in our world today. If you want to better understand the world or just like learning something new, do yourself a favor and buy this course!" -- Raj Lulla

Who this course is for:
Those knowledgeable about world affairs who wanted deeper historical knowledge that goes beyond modern politics
Those who have completed high school
General non-historian audience

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