<< FLAC The Bookshop Band - 2021 - Live In American Bookshops
The Bookshop Band - 2021 - Live In American Bookshops
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 454.18 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

The Bookshop Band, as autobiographically described on their website, are “the offspring of an artistic love affair between a duo of English folk singer-songwriters and a multi-award winning independent bookshop in the UK, Mr. B’s Emporium of Reading Delights.”  Aptly noted. A heavy part of their thematic wormhole is pressing literary nods into their repertoire.  This particular journey “Live in American Bookshops,” sees them doing just that with 13 live tracks recorded presumably between stacks of classics and contemporaries across various stateside independent bookstores.  At the end of track 1 “Once Upon A Time,” they ask the audience what kind of books they hear in their hymnlike performance.  “Fahrenheit 451! Peter Pan! and A Tale of Two Cities!” people shout out at the end.  Good game.

More frequent than concluding though are expository intros about the books that inspire the songs. Ben Please, the male vocalist half of the duo, is often the beginning speaker, informing us that their song “Edge of the World” is inspired by a collection of poetry entitled “Edge of Everywhere,” and the novel “Emma and Otto.” The thematic trend carries throughout the record, almost every song prefaced with a bookish nod and a tale.

01 Once Upon A Time (Live in Little City Books NJ)
02 Edge of the World (Live in Short Stories NJ)
03 Thirteen Chairs (Live in Turn of the Corkscrew NY)
04 Faith In Weather (Live in Maria's Bookshop CO)
05 The Crowning (Live in Title Wave Books Revisited NM)
06 Smog Over London (Live in Collected Works NM)
07 How Not To Woo A Woman (Live in OpCit Books NM)
08 A Shop With Books In (Live in SOMOS Bookshop NM)
09 Bobo and the Cattle (Live in Hearth Fire Books CO)
10 You Make The Best Plans Thomas (Live in Boulder Books CO)
11 Curious and Curiouser (Live in Second Star To The Right CO)
12 Cackling Farts (Live in Tattered Cover CO)
13 We Are The Foxes (Live in WORD Bookstore NY)
14 Room for Three (US Radio Mix)

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