<< WIN Archimedes - Eureka Collector's Edition
Archimedes - Eureka Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 6 years, 5 months
Size 304.41 MB
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Post Description

Ancient Greece. The city of Syracuse. The great researcher Archimedes starts a field test of his new invention, which is a winch powered by wind. Hercules competes with the mechanism, and loses! All of a sudden, a gush of wind breaks the device which, in turn, destroying the whole city. It's now Archimedes task to recover the land. He succeeds, but who says he has no more inventions?

The Collector's Edition Includes:
- Build estate & get revenue
- The game is easy to learn, yet challenging to master
- 7 different locations to discover
- 12+ Atmospheric music tracks
- Devices, bridges, portals, zip lines
- Marvellous comics

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