<< MP3 Outre-Tombe - Répurgation
Outre-Tombe - Répurgation
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 3 months
Size 126.92 MB
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Sender Truman (ZoITA)
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Post Description

Sure, there has been great stuff from the region Quebec, but if you ask me all of the best albums were sort of off in their own world, random pockets of quality without much to do with each other in a sea of otherwise forgettable death metal. So it was with several grains of salt that I sat down and listened to this debut by new outfit Outre-Tombe. Perhaps I should've reevaluated my preconceptions by looking at some important disparities between this and a lot of Quebecois death metal that just never really did much for me: first, it's got a super cool painted album cover feat. some hooded and cloaked figures standing around heaps of bones holding torches and some evil castle off in the background, second they've got a logo that screams early '90's, and finally the album title and all of the song titles are totally in French, which strangely has been a pretty reliable barometer of quality for me when checking out Quebecois black metal bands. Had I paid more attention to these details I might've had higher expectations, but sometimes it's great to have years of hardened cynicism stomped into the graveyard dirt by kickass riffs. All of that old-school peripheral shit is no joke; this album is pure 1992 inside and out. The band kind of reminds me of Chicago's Bones, including both the sleazy Motorheadish vibes as well as the vaguely crusty rhythms, blended together with blasphemous Swedish filth like Bastard Priest and a gene-rous helping of water from the same well of influences as recent death metal darlings Horrendous. Throw in a dash of Hail of Bullets thunder and a sprinkling of eerie melodies like something you'd find in the Nihilist demos or the first couple Entombed albums and you're right there. Bassist Crachat narrates these undead hymns with a disgusting barking holler that's clearly influenced by the likes of Schuldiner and Van Drunen and winds up sounding not too far from Sindre from Norway's Obliteration. While there's shitloads of headbangable groove here, the backbone of each track is high-speed double-bass driven ripping old school death. Favorable comparisons could be made to Trenchrot, another recent favorite who have also proven that it's possible to sound extremely fresh and write top-shelf riffs while never venturing outside the self-imposed confines of wretched old death metal. Stomping thrash breaks, doublespeed blast-and-tremolo sections, fist-pumping d-beat + crust rhythm bits dispersed throughout the corpse-strewn battlefield of rolling, chugging riffs make each and every song here real ear-candy, the passionate vocal performance and haunted guitar leads really sealing the deal. Répurgation also comes at a really opportune time. As recent critical darlings Horrendous have received so much (perfectly well-deserved) attention, and while each album of theirs shows a band continuing to evolve and incorporate new influences into their now well-established sound, I couldn't help but wish that there were some other band playing straightforward, eardrum-slaying death metal like Horrendous themselves used to play on their demo and first album. And right around the time those thoughts began to take shape, here comes Outre-Tombe to totally unexpectedly kick my ass. There's no prog, no experimentation, no psychedelic tendencies, just punishing old school death metal that'll leave you well inundated with adrenaline by album's end. 
(review: iamntbatman, December 20th 2015, https://www.metalarchives.com/)

01 L'Antre De L'Horreur
02 Frappe Orbitale
03 Psychose Toxique
04 La Fosse
05 Répurgation
06 Hécatombe
07 Carnage Mental
08 Mort D'Acier
09 Mutation
10 Au Nom De La Science
Length : 33:35

Was verzoek:
charl69 | C0BAyg op dinsdag 12 juni 2018 | 18:25
Hallo Truman, heb ook een verzoek: kunt u aan de mp3
van Outre Tombe - Repurgation komen?
Ja, alsjeblieft.

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