<< WIN World War Z Horde Mode Z-CODEX
World War Z Horde Mode Z-CODEX
Category Games
Date 4 years, 6 months
Size 28.41 GB
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Website SexBook
Sender oki (IRjHmQ)
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Post Description

We're thrilled to release Horde Mode Z! The new mode  throws  waves
of progressively challenging enemies at teams of up to four, with
increasingly bigger rewards for surviving. In between rounds, you
can upgrade your firepower, defenses, and scavenge for free pickups
like heavy weapons and medkits. In Horde Mode Z, you can play as
any character you like. In addition, this release adds The Bomber,
a special new zombie that drops an explosive when downed, which you
will only have a few precious seconds to disarm. Make sure you take
it down with precise limb shots or it will detonate. Succeed and
you will be rewarded with valuable loot.

NOTES: This release is standalone and includes all content from
our previous releases and updates. Here are a few of the new
features in this release:

> Added a new chapter in the NY Episode
> Added a new chapter in the Moscow Episode
> Added option to play Challenge Mode offline
> Added Horde Mode Z

Wachtwoord: 3345ZM

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