<< FLAC Zora Young - 2005 - Tore Up From The Floor Up
Zora Young - 2005 - Tore Up From The Floor Up
Category Sound
Date 6 years, 6 months
Size 418.67 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

Artist...............: Zora Young
Album................: Tore Up From The Floor Up
Genre................: Blues
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2005
Ripper...............: See Log
Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 59 %)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 HZ / 16 Bit
Tags.................: Flac

Ripped On............: 10/29/17
Included.............: NFO, LOG, PAR v2, CUE
Covers...............: Front Back CD


1. Zora Young - Love Of Mine [04:30]
2. Zora Young - Go Ahead And Take Him [06:36]
3. Zora Young - I'm Gonna Do The Same Thing They Did To Me [05:14]
4. Zora Young - Toxic [06:03]
5. Zora Young - Til The Fat Lady Sings [04:51]
6. Zora Young - Slowly [04:52]
7. Zora Young - Ace Of Spades [03:27]
8. Zora Young - Rainy Night In Georgia [05:32]
9. Zora Young - Tore Up From The Floor Up [04:19]
10. Zora Young - Since I Fell For You - Silhouettes [07:11]
11. Zora Young - Handy Man [03:51]
12. Zora Young - Two Trains Running [05:51]
13. Zora Young - Interview [04:05]

Playing Time.........: 01:06:28
Total Size...........: 393.83 MB

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