<< WIN Rescue Team - Evil Genius Collector's Edition
Rescue Team - Evil Genius Collector's Edition
Category Games
Date 5 years, 1 month
Size 591.19 MB
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Post Description

Help the great Rescue Team to defeat an evil genius!
Erupting volcanoes, showers of lightning bolts, heavy earthquakes - nature is showing off its most destructive forces ever! Or is someone else having a finger in the pie?! Ever since that mad scientist was on the news - furious about not receiving any more funding for his project - wreckful things are happening. Looks like it's time for our Rescue Team to go on another exciting adventure! Will they succeed and bring down that evil genius?

Game Features:
• A fun and gripping story with the famous Rescue Team
• 50 diverse Time-Management levels
• Elaborate animations and a quick-to-learn tutorial
• The most evil part of the successful Rescue Team series

Exclusive Collector's Edition Extras:
• Built-in strategy guide
• Extensive bonus chapter
• Concept art, music, and more

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