<< FLAC Beau - 2021 - The Methadone Of Time
Beau - 2021 - The Methadone Of Time
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 9 months
Size 268.11 MB
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The new album by Beau (Trevor Midgley) is cleverly titled The Methadone Of Time, the pain and detox opioid to reduce withdrawal symptoms serving as a metaphor-symbol for our current journey in time if not space. A subject that’s gone viral (in its proper, traditional meaning) with side effects of course. Mostly written during this painful time, it’s fair to say all his work isn’t a banal commentary but brilliantly expands ideas while focusing on trends and events which might escape our notice because they’re too close in the viewfinder.

The 14 songs are dedicated to the memory of a Raider bandmate from the sixties, Paul Marshall, and the co-founder of Dandelion Records during that and the following decade, Clive Selwood. There are echoes of that period’s albums, sometimes quirky and surprising but always ‘on the nail’ regarding chosen topics. Beau has been compared to Dylan, Ochs, Paxton and Lead Belly, yet his singular Englishness has elements of Jake Thackeray, Roy Harper and Kevin Coyne. This poetic troubadour with a limitless 12-string repertoire is a social commentator, a kind of whistleblower of the crotchets and octaves rather than airwaves.

01 It's Time To Fight Old Battles
02 Comedy Gold
03 Funfair For The Common Man
04 Attitude Sickness
05 The Felon
06 Bigfoot McInnes
07 Tomorrow's World
08 A Little Something For Your Trouble
09 Slip Of The Tongue
10 Self-Made Man
11 The Middleman
12 Deranged
13 Germ An' Measles
14 Man O' The People

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