<< FLAC Michael McMillan - 2020 - Whisky
Michael McMillan - 2020 - Whisky
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 327.27 MB
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Post Description

Michael McMillan is a Glasgow (Scotland) born Singer Songwriter with over 30 years experience playing his music all over the world including Brazil and the USA. Michael started his musical journey by playing Bagpipes in a local pipe band. He then learned to play drums. Michael ran away from home at the age of 16 to London and played with many famous and infamous musicians of that era. 

Returning to his home town he started initially writing lyrics and then putting them to music. He has always been influenced by the great story tellers, initially UK bands such as the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks and then the great American songwriters, Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Kris Kristofferson, James Taylor, Crosby Still and Nash, there are far too many to mention.

In the past 12 months he has played in the UK, USA (New York, Nashville, The Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival and at The Mandalay Bay Hotel Las Vegas at The Nashville Hit Songwriters Unplugged event). His album Cross Country was nominated for album of the year by UK Country Music Radio and one of the singles (Coming Home) from his album Missing Person sat at number one for six consecutive weeks in the British/Irish Hotdisc Top Ten. A recent review of this album (by Stuart Cameron Of Hotdisc Radio and TV) states “Quite simply this is one of the best British original albums recorded this century.”

His songs are like individual movies that take the listener right there to that place and time. He has been compared to Jason Isbell, Neil Young, Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen and Guy Clark. He writes “real” stories about “real” people and “real” life.

Michael has 6 solo albums released, his latest offering titled “Whisky”. Michael’s personality and Scottish humour make him a big hit with audiences all over the world and he has played and is comfortable playing to large crowds in concert halls, prisons, churches and intimate home concerts. He has offers of shows and concerts in the USA as soon as it is safe to do so, and Michael is happy playing for a ‘listening audience’ anywhere.

01 - Whisky
02 - Fade Away
03 - Sticks and Stones
04 - All About You
05 - You Don't Know Jack
06 - Song for You
07 - Another Highway
08 - Until We Meet Again
09 - In His Eyes
10 - Tell Me Why
11 - Covers
12 - One More Chance
13 - I Love You
14 - Unwanted
15 - The Storm

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