<< FLAC Ryan Dugre - 2021 - Three Rivers
Ryan Dugre - 2021 - Three Rivers
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 194.26 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website SexBook
Sender Mac (ZvCMA)
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Post Description

For artists overthinking things can be a problem, as a part of a “song a day exercise” Ryan Dugré wrote the songs that would become Three Rivers. What makes the process so interesting is the fact that you don’t have the opportunity to overthink things. Every day, a new piece needed to be created. While the purpose is to make creativity more routine, the result is you come up with more honest depictions of your original thoughts. One can’t be methodical, there simply isn’t the time for that.

Calm and meditative, Three Rivers establishes a new approach, one that wasn’t exactly familiar to Dugré. Using a laptop on its last legs and one microphone, the process yielded surprising results. Starting with a rhythm part on piano or guitar, he followed up adding a melody. Quite often he anticipated having someone sing the melody, using a synthesizer, slide guitar or piano to emulate the vocals. After the fact he realized there actually was no need for vocals, the pieces stood up perfectly well without them, and instead of working on a song for a week at a time, the basic framework was done by days end.

01 Living Language
02 Old Hotel
03 Powder Rains
04 Foxglove
05 Stalking Horse
06 Shining
07 Big Pictures Wide Open Spaces
08 Other Minds
09 Wing
10 Lumima
11 In the Silence
12 Glace Bay

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