<< x264HD Goddamned Asura 2021 1080p BluRay x264-BiPOLAR
Goddamned Asura 2021 1080p BluRay x264-BiPOLAR
Category Image
Date 11 months, 5 days
Size 4.89 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website FlirtContacten
Sender Bart (87Mlew)
Tag Bart
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Post Description

On his 18th birthday, Jan Wen shoots randomly at the crowds in a night market for unknown reasons. The tragic incident causes a strong impact on the lives of his family and friends, the victims and the witnesses. However, if there was a chance for them to make different choices, would the tragedy still happen? Will it be a different outcome if they all changed their behaviour at the crucial moment?

Make sure you are using the latest SpotNet classic,NZBGet or SABnzbd. If you still using SpotNet 2.0 go kill your self. no seriously. Spotnet 2.0 is very old software. SpotNet Classic is much newer. Maybe a little less sexy but it uses the latest SABnzbd. Then you do not have to enter passwords and the unpacking almost always goes well.

You can find the Passwords SpotNet in the NZB file (open with notepad). And search for the line with "password"
If you really want to use an old outdated Usenet download client.

Some SpotWeb sites does not include a password in the NZB file.

Not all spots are passworded!

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