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Cat. Title # Genre Sender Age Size NZB
PDFStar.Trek.Magazine-November.202010Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 11 months30.59 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine jaargang 19419Science FictionRandalThor3 years, 8 months597.74 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine jaargang 19395FantasyRandalThor3 years, 8 months762.74 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine eerste 6 nummers 19404FantasyRandalThor3 years, 8 months740.69 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine laatste 6 nummers 19404FantasyRandalThor3 years, 8 months792.8 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine jaargang 19423FantasyRandalThor3 years, 8 months1002.34 MBNZB
PDFUnknown magazine jaargang 19434FantasyRandalThor3 years, 8 months768.27 MBNZB
PDFModelbouw etc Magazines24Science FictionWillemsZn3 years, 6 months347.35 MBNZB
PDFPerry Rhodan 2091 - Een spoor van HET29Science FictionTinyTim2 years, 4 months4.32 MBNZB
PDFPerry Rhodan 2092 - De verstotene25Science FictionTinyTim2 years, 4 months4.37 MBNZB
PDFPerry Rhodan 2093 - Requiem voor een eeuwige36Science FictionTinyTim2 years, 4 months4.87 MBNZB
PDFPerry Rhodan 2102 - De hand van de voorzienigheid29Science Fictionpetsch0232 years, 2 months4.39 MBNZB
PDF1Perry Rhodan - Samenvatting CYCLUS 32 - Thoregon - Het Rijk Tradom28Science Fictionpetsch0231 year, 4 months3.56 MBNZB
PDFStar Wars Collection ca 320ex !AZW3 geen epub of pdf!9Science FictionHowdy4 years, 6 months914.9 MBNZB
PDFStar.Trek.Magazine-January.202113Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 9 months30.43 MBNZB
PDFStar.Wars.Insider-March.20219Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 9 months32.77 MBNZB
PDFStar Trek Magazine enkele oudere nummers8Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 9 months185.74 MBNZB
PDFSFX-March.20218Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 8 months94.94 MBNZB
PDFPablo Hidalgo - Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition, 20209Science FictionTarkusTWS2 years, 10 months127.5 MBNZB
PDFStar Trek Magazine Issue 77-October 20208Science FictionTarkusTWS4 years, 2 weeks27.93 MBNZB
PDFSFX-December.20206Science FictionTarkusTWS4 years, 2 weeks94.06 MBNZB
PDFStar.Wars.Insider-December.20207Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 11 months26.14 MBNZB
PDFStar Wars Insider - June 20219Science FictionTarkusTWS3 years, 6 months12.87 MBNZB
PDFInfinity Magazine Issue 42-November 20214Science FictionTarkusTWS2 years, 11 months84.43 MBNZB
PDFSFX-February.20215FantasyTarkusTWS3 years, 9 months77.79 MBNZB
PDFSFX-November.202010FantasyTarkusTWS4 years, 1 month74.37 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1807 - De huid van het kwaad36Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 2 months1.59 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1808 - Landing op Lafayette44Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 1 month1.79 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1809 - Klopjacht door de hyperruimte36Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 1 month2.43 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1810 - De weg naar Camelot40Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 1 month2.33 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1821 - Invasie van de egelschepen58Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 2 weeks2.35 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1822 - De nieuwe huid43Science FictionTinyTim4 years, 5 days2.38 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1823 - Regenten van de dromen35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months2.46 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1824 - Centrum van de Centrifaals44Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months2.47 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1825 - Gevecht om Trieger35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months3.06 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1836 - Missie in Fornax32Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months2.39 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1837 - Rebecca's moeilijkste beslissing35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months3.76 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1838 - Het zwijgende sterrenstelsel34Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months3.7 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1839 - Drempel tot het absolutum37Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 11 months2.47 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1840 - Loksignaal vrede43Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 10 months2.41 MBNZB
ePubBurroughs, Edgar Rice - [Westfriesland][John Carter 3] - Opperste krijgsheer van Mars11Science FictionSusPens3 years, 10 months481 KBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1851 - In de droomsfeer34Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 10 months2.28 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1852 - De Galornse44Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 10 months1.1 MBNZB
ePubRepost Perry Rhodan 1852 - De Galornse38Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 10 months2.84 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1853 - In het teken van Thoregon36Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 10 months2.73 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1854 - Een bode van Thoregon36Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 9 months2.89 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1855 - Opmars in de droomblaas36Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 9 months2.86 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1866 - Aan het einde van een verwachting35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 9 months3.37 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1867 - De droomdanser29Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 8 months2.78 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1868 - Verwachting van de Tolkanders26Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 8 months2.83 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1869 - Gezang van de kleine moeders37Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 8 months2.74 MBNZB
ePubRepost Perry Rhodan 1870 - Operatie wonderkaars25Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 8 months2.81 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1908 - Asiel in de ijszee38Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 6 months3.4 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1909 - De bevingsonderzoeker30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 6 months2.92 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1910 - Gestrand op Thorrim35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 6 months2.87 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1911 - De vloot van de lafaards29Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 6 months2.67 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1912 - De man met de hoge hoed34Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 6 months3.51 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1923 - Vredesmissie28Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months3.42 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1924 - Intriges op Arkon25Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months2.92 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1925 - Vreemdeling boven Alashan31Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months3.41 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1926 - Rekruten voor Zophengorn29Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months3.49 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1927 - Legende van de Tujokan32Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months3.32 MBNZB
ePubRepost Perry Rhodan 1926 en 19273Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 5 months6.81 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1938 - De kleuren van het kwaad36Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months3.35 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1939 - Op het spoor van een God32Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months2.93 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1940 - Dans van de dromers33Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months3.4 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1941 - Als werelden verstommen29Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months3.35 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1942 - De wereld van Shabazza30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months3.33 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1943 - Drijfjacht op Century37Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 4 months3.47 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1956 - Het huis van Nisaaru25Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months4.78 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1957 - Doelwit Paddenstoeldom28Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months5.03 MBNZB
ePubREPOST Perry Rhodan 195612Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months4.78 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1958 - De Oxtorner en zijn okrill30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months4.79 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1959 - In hypertakt34Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months4.79 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1960 - Gevangene van de boordcomputer34Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 months5.05 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1971 - Raadselachtig Sarkamanth26Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.91 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1972 - De kosmische fabriek33Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.99 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1973 - Materia32Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.99 MBNZB
ePub1Perry Rhodan 1974 - Drijfjacht bij de black hole44Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.99 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1975 - Zonne-echo30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.94 MBNZB
ePubRepost - Perry Rhodan 1974 - Drijfjacht bij de black hole15Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 1 month4.96 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1986 - Gevecht van de giganten30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 3 weeks5.61 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1987 - De moordenaarsprins30Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 3 weeks4.95 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1988 - Dienaren van de materie26Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 weeks4.87 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1989 - Countdown voor Chearth35Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 weeks4.78 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1990 - De zilverwolf26Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 weeks5.06 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1991 - Mhogena's beslissing26Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 weeks4.8 MBNZB
ePubPerry Rhodan 1992 - Opmars boven Thorrim32Science FictionTinyTim3 years, 2 weeks5.01 MBNZB
ePubJosi Russell - Caretaker Chronicles 01-03 ENGELSTALIG4Science FictionSapperDeFlap1 year, 3 months2.23 MBNZB
ePubDiverse boeken van de auteurs beginnende met een D156Adventurerinusdek2 years, 2 months13.43 GBNZB
ePubNathan Hystad boeken (Engelstalig, 29 boeken)8Science FictionRiBor4 years, 7 months26.75 MBNZB
ePubDevon C. Ford boeken (Engelstalig, 28 boeken)9Science FictionRiBor4 years, 6 months27.26 MBNZB
ePubJ.N. Chaney boeken (Engelstalig, 78 boeken)17Science FictionRiBor4 years, 2 months51.16 MBNZB
ePubGardner Dozois - Year's Best Science Fiction (Engelstalig, 38 boeken)9Science FictionRiBor4 years, 3 weeks57.92 MBNZB
ePubKim Stanley Robinson boeken (Engelstalig, 30 boeken)6Science FictionRiBor4 years, 3 weeks59.01 MBNZB
ePubRobert A. Heinlein boeken (Engelstalig, 40 boeken)23Science FictionRiBor3 years, 4 months80.21 MBNZB
ePubArthur C. Clarke boeken (Engelstalig, 31 boeken)17Science FictionRiBor3 years, 3 months58.98 MBNZB
ePubJohn Scalzi boeken (Engelstalig, 23 boeken)10Science FictionRiBor2 years, 6 months36.23 MBNZB
ePubGeorge R.R. Martin boeken (Engelstalig, 77 boeken)17FantasyRiBor4 years, 10 months223.61 MBNZB
ePubDavid Weber ca 140 boeken ENGELSTALIG !Let OP!4FantasyHowdy4 years, 9 months194.43 MBNZB